Sunday, February 15, 2009

At the tone, your life will be...good.

Life is amazing. I have a beautiful girl who loves me. I have a career-field that is looking up. I have family who loves me and makes me laugh. I have good music to listen to. I have food in my tummy and a warm bed to sleep in.

Woman has been in my life for about 5.5 months now. And she is quite spectacular. She fights for my happiness, she tolerates my peculiarities (which many call atrocities), and we get along really well. There is no control or power in our relationship...there is a team. We both are willing to concede and sacrifice for the other to be happy, and we both give our honest opinion on decisions. I love her with all my heart.

On other news: I HAVE A JOB INTERVIEW WEDNESDAY!!! It is quite amazing. Prayer requested for all things involved with me getting a paycheck.

I have been writing a lot more recently...songs and poetry, mostly. I just wish I could finish a friggin' song once in awhile...oh well, eventually I shall finish something.

I cannot wait for the future...but I have been trying to slow down and focus on the present, because it is so beautiful. I am off to bed for now.


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