Tuesday, June 2, 2009

This summer...

...has been pretty good.

Two days after graduation the Woman left me to visit her relatives in the Cold White North. After that, I received a phone call saying that the Boy Scout job was a no go for at least a year. However, my old job at the State Park is still open, so I've been working that.

That job has changed since the last summer I worked there. While I was used to a generally 9-5 schedule, things have been shifted around. Because of White Nose Syndrome, we have had to close down three of the caves here at the State Park. This syndrome has proven fatal in 90-100% of bats that it infects, and since State Park houses 65% of the endangered Indiana Brown Bat found in the entire state of Kentucky, we are working very hard to keep WNS out of the state, and more specifically, out of our park. Hence shutting down three caves (which happen to be the three biggest bat hibernacula) to prevent humans bringing the fungus that causes WNS on their clothes. (If you'd like to know more about WNS, or how to help, please refer to the link above, leave a comment, or email me.)

So anyway...back to my work schedule. Because of closing down three of the caves, we have had to find other recreation programs and tours to provide things for the tourists to do. This means a lot of working odd hours, coming in late, and staying even later. For example, today I am working 2:30-8:30, doing a couple of tours but mainly helping out with the tye-dye that is going on this evening.

So I've had all this to keep me busy while the Woman is away. That, combined with finding out my cousin is pregnant, among other family news I'll not broadcast over the internet, I've had a pretty eventful three weeks.

But the biggest event of all comes tomorrow, when my fiance comes home to me!!!

I cannot simply explain my excitement through words on a screen. I cannot wait, and everytime I think about it my insides get jumpy because it makes me so happy to see her again. I'm making her a super-special "I loved you and miss you and never leave me for that long again" banana-cream pie, and I've also gotten her a small present.

And while I do not want her to leave me again, she will. There is a wedding next weekend that her and her family are attending, and throughout the course of our lives together, there will be many things that she goes to that I cannot. But that is ok.

While I have HATED this time we have spent apart, it has been good for us. We have learned how to talk and communicate over the phone; we have learned that we do not have to be in constant text-contact to remain in love. Basically, we have learned how to survive while on a hiatus from one another, and that is a good thing. Distance makes the heart grow fonder...but it also makes the relationship work better.

So this is where I get preachy. For all those young couples out there, if you're in a serious relationship, do yourself some good: spend some time apart. I know a lot of the young couples I knew at Bible College were forced to do this, as they lived many many miles apart for one another. I'm not trying to tell you it will be easy, and I'm not saying it's going to make you ready for marriage. But what I am saying, is that if you approach this time as a chance to learn how to better communicate, and to pray for and love one another even when not in 24/7 contact, you will grow deeper in love. Or you may realize other things about your relationship.

I'm glad that this long distance has solidified my love, and I am so glad to have the Woman in my life. And in just a little over 36 hours, she'll be back in my arms.

1 comment:

AC said...

Brian, I'm in a long-distance relationship that has been going on for over three and half years. Indeed, it takes work, trust, deep love, and commitment but it can be wonderful. I'm so glad you have found a way to make yours work. Thanks for giving words of encouragement to others who live in LDRs.